Clean Air For All In 2024

We all entered 2023 with so much hope, determination and strength, but we forgot to ensure that the air that we breath was of good quality and clean. We were inundated with a lot of respiratory related illnesses which could be attributed to the poor air quality in most of our communities due to our actions and inactions on the environment. Another year is here with us. 2024 looks very promising and we are determined to do whatever it takes to improve the air quality in our various communities.

Are we ready and willing to stop the burning of rubbish?

What are we going to do in 2024 to ensure that more education on the importance of clean air is propagated in our communities?

As we champion the cause for clean and quality air, are our children and the young ones also being taken along on this journey?

How do we ensure that those who pollute the air are sanctioned and made to do the right thing?

What can we do to ensure that the Environmental Protection Agency do their work well?

As we start the year 2024, let us all make it our duty and responsibility to ensure that the air in our communities is clean and of good quality.


#CleanAirGhana #CleanAir4All #QualityAir

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